Lydia E. York Delaware State Auditor
State of Delaware Hazardous Substance Cleanup Fund FY22-23
In July of 1990, the State of Delaware (the State) legislature passed, and the Governor signed, legislation establishing the State’s “Hazardous Substance Cleanup Act” (HSCA) (the Act). This Act establishes standards to be followed to protect the public health and welfare of citizens and the environment …
Disproportionate Share Hospital Payments Program FY22
The Office of Auditor of Accounts (AOA) presents an examination of the Disproportionate Share Hospital (DSH) Payments Program for the Delaware Psychiatric Center and the Saint Francis Hospital facility for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2022 including internal controls over financial reporting and tests of it…
Dual Employment Performance Audit FY20-FY22
The Office of Auditor of Accounts (AOA) conducted a performance audit over compliance with the Dual Employment Law by the State of Delaware’s State agencies and political subdivisions of the State and their agencies (covered Organizations). The purpose of this audit was to evaluate the design and operation …