

 Pages Tagged With: "2022"

State of Delaware Drinking Water Revolving Loan Fund FY22-FY23

The Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) Fund was established in 1996 and provides financial assistance to eligible public water systems in Delaware for the planning, design, and construction of drinking water facilities, as well as loans for land acquisition for source water protection purposes.

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State of Delaware Water Pollution Control Revolving Loan Fund FY22-FY23

The Fund provides below market rate interest rate loans and grants to municipalities, private organizations, nonprofit organizations, individuals, and other qualifying applicants of the state for projects that will improve water quality under the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s (“EPA”) Capitalization Grants for Clean Water State Revolving Funds federal assistance program. The federal capitalization grants require the State to provide matching funds equal to 20% of federal funds received.

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Town of Ellendale Performance Audit

The Town Council of Ellendale engaged the State of Delaware Office of Auditor of Accounts for a performance audit. The purpose of our Audit was to evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of Town operations during calendar years 2019 to 2022.

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