
Audit Report Category:
2. State Agencies and Schools

Delaware Department of Transportation FY23

The Delaware Office of Auditor of Accounts presents a financial statement audit of the Delaware Department of Transportation for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2023. The Department, which is comprised of DelDOT, the Transportation Trust Fund, and DTC, operates as an enterprise fund, meaning it is self-support...

Uniform Guidance Single Audit FY23

The Office of Auditor of Accounts, Delaware Department of Finance, and Division of Accounting present the Annual Uniform Guidance Single Audit Report for the State of Delaware, for fiscal year ended June 30, 2023. Thirteen major federal programs across various state agencies were reviewed for the Uniform Guid...

Delaware Agricultural Lands Preservation Foundation FY23

The Office of Auditor of Accounts presents a financial statement audit of the governmental activities and major fund of Delaware Agricultural Lands Preservation Foundation (Foundation). This audit was conducted for Fiscal Year ended June 30, 2023. The primary objective of a financial statement audit is to pro...

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